For anyone who knows me well, the fact that I've been enjoying updating and improving my website will come as a slightly larger shock than the fact that my husband periodically washes each crystal of our chandelier with Windex and paper towel (there are hundreds of crystals). His reasons for standing on a chair for hours, caressing little shiny things has nothing to do with his tendency to shift focus quickly ("ooooh, shiny!...what were you saying?"), but rather are based on true values. One of them presented itself recently, as we entertained his youngest sister's family on a visit from out of state. Ooops, wait a minute, wanting to one-up your sister is not a true value? 

Anyway, I digress. I started this website last summer, and in the busy school year at Mount Union, it fell completely to the wayside. This summer, I got inspired and started tinkering with it more and more, inspired by pretty pictures and the fun possibilities Squarespace offers in its websites. And, as I played around with buttons, spacers, embedded videos, and scrolling photos that look larger than life, something amazing happened: I actually learned how to do this technology thing. (Not any other technology thing, mind you--we can't get carried away. I still have a technology-destroying aura to maintain). An aura, you say? Well, yes. In graduate school (which was not THAT long ago, so please hold the smirks), I had such a reputation that my pedagogy adviser used to say that if something with technology could go wrong, it would for me. And she loved technology! When I first started dating my husband, Mr. IT personified, emails would disappear, arrive with no content, until he had to admit there might be something to this aura. Oh, and the number of times I've stood next to a cashier or banker, clerk, or waitress trying to get the computer to work ("I don't know WHAT's wrong with this thing today!") is further proof that my aura is made of powerful technology-busting stuff.

But I am tickled of my progress with the website, and hope you'll find it informational and interesting. 

Soon to come: a list of studio events and other helpful links.

Let me know what you think!